On The Rhoads

A Chronicle of Gabe and Lauren's Journey from Coast to Coast, and beyond...

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Location: Seattle to New York, WA to NY, United States

Friday, August 26, 2005

Zoned Out

We took off from Chicago this morning, and hit the road mid-day. It was good to be in Chicago, where we dealt with a bit of difficulty with our shocks, and saw family and good friends. I was especially happy to see my little brother, Julian, who is off to Seville for a year of study, where he will be tough to get to soon.

Today, we pushed through Illinois to Indiana to Ohio to Pennsylvania - which is actually the state that my family is origninally from, and where many of our folks still live (the eastern side, not the western, where we now are).

In Indiana, we crossed into the Eastern time zone, for the third and last time zone of our trip. We are now in Eastern Daylight Time at last. No more losing hours...

From here the trip is just through PA to New Jersey to NYC.


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