On The Rhoads

A Chronicle of Gabe and Lauren's Journey from Coast to Coast, and beyond...

My Photo
Location: Seattle to New York, WA to NY, United States

Friday, April 06, 2007


For those of you who keep track of the Spanish metal tribute scene, OnTheRhoads is a new Barcelona group. Being a tribute band to Randy Rhoads, their main influences include Ozzy Ozbourne, of course. You may know them from their version of "Children of the Grave." I am deeply distressed that we missed them, so check them out here. They look like the best thing east of Hell's Belles.

Monday, April 02, 2007

No Ice Cream!

No grumpy Germans here

TV Boy


Road to nowhere

Gaudi's Staircase

What the ELL

P. San Marco, at night, underwater
